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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - scope


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Перевод с английского языка scope на русский

1) оптический прибор; видео(измерительный) прибор; видеоустройство 2) диапазон; сфера; охват; размах 3) размер; длина
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См. в других словарях

  область, поле, сфера – scope and spirit of patent – to be beyond the scope – scope of amendment – scope of a right – scope of claims – scope of concept – scope of invention – scope of investigation – scope of license – scope of patent – scope of patenting – scope of protection – scope of rights of utilization – scope of the class – scope of use – territorial scope SCOPE сущ. 1) кругозор 2) размах, охват 3) сфера (деятельности) 4) возможности 5) пределы; рамки; границы 6) масштаб 7) описание проекта - an undertaking of wide scope - scope base line - scope change - scope constraint - scope cost - scope for investment - scope management - scope of an inquiry - scope of manufacturing - scope of market - scope of public services for population - scope of survey - scope reporting - scope schedule - scope statement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  (Scope (Mouthwash)) "Скоуп" Товарный знак ментолового антибактериального средства для полоскания полости рта mouthwash производства компании "Проктер энд Гэмбл" Procter and Gamble Co.. Выпускается с 1966. См. тж. Lavoris ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. пределы, рамки, границы (возможностей, понимания, знаний и т. п.) the scope for investment —- возможности для капиталовложений the scope of smb.'s knowledge —- широта чьих-л. знаний a mind of wide scope —- широкий ум to be beyond the scope of a small child's mind —- быть непостижимым для ребенка (для детского ума) subjects which lie beyond smb.'s scope —- вопросы, выходящие за пределы чьих-л. (по)знаний we wonder at the scope of the Greek intellect —- нас поражает широта кругозора древних греков it is outside the scope of out authority —- это не в нашей власти that is beyond (outside) my scope —- я тут некомпетентен, это не входит в мою компетенцию within the scope of this volume —- в рамках этого тома 2. пределы; масштаб, размах, сфера, поле (деятельности) the scope of an inquiry —- область исследований the scope of (gun-)fire —- воен. поле обстрела the scope of smb.'s activities —- поле (сфера) чьей-л. деятельности the scope of the convention —- юр. сфера применения (данной) конвенции the scope of a scientific work —- масштаб (размах) научной работы an undertaking of wide scope —- крупное предприятие it lies within the scope of possible events —- это вполне может произойти to be within the scope of a trade-union's activities —- входить в компетенцию профсоюза work within the scope of an amateur —- работа, доступная и неспециалисту в этой области to be excluded from the scope of work —- не входить в план (не...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) границы, рамки, пределы (возможностей, знаний и т.п.); a mind of wide scope - человек широких взглядов, широкого кругозора; it is beyond my scope - это вне моей компетенции  2) предел, масштаб, размах, сфера - scope of fire  3) возможности, простор (для передвижения, действий, мысли и т.п.); to give ones fancy full scope - дать простор фантазии  4) obs. намерение, цель Syn: see size II noun; abbr. of microscope, telescope, periscope SCOPE of fire mil. поле обстрела ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) индикатор 2) область действия 3) оптический прибор 4) охват 5) простор 6) рамки 7) сфера scope of logical symbol — область действия логического символа - radar scope - raster scope - scope of problem - scope of quantifier - scope rule ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) электронно-лучевая трубка, ЭЛТ 2) осциллограф 3) диапазон – data scope ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  general scope of the contract ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) диапазон; размах; охват; область (действия) 2) индикатор (напр. РЛС) 3) (электронно-лучевой) осциллограф 4) электронно-лучевая трубка, ЭЛТ 5) экран ЭЛТ 6) микроскоп 7) вчт. контекст; область видимости - dynamic scope - embedded scopes - enclosing scope - expanded scope - patterning area scope - PPI scope - radar scope - static scope - stitching scope - visibility scope SCOPE сокр. от Scientific Committee on Problems of Environment Научный комитет по проблемам окружающей среды, СКОПЕ ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a the extent to which it is possible to range; the opportunity for action etc. (this is beyond the scope of our research). b the sweep or reach of mental activity, observation, or outlook (an intellect limited in its scope). 2 Naut. the length of cable extended when a ship rides at anchor. 3 archaic a purpose, end, or intention. Etymology: It. scopo aim f. Gk skopos target f. skeptomai look at 2. n. colloq. a telescope, microscope, or other device ending in -scope. Etymology: abbr. SCOPE comb. form forming nouns denoting: 1 a device looked at or through (kaleidoscope; telescope). 2 an instrument for observing or showing (gyroscope; oscilloscope). Derivatives -scopic comb. form forming adjectives. Etymology: from or after mod.L -scopium f. Gk skopeo look at ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Italian scopo purpose, goal, from Greek skopos; akin to Greek skeptesthai to watch, look at — more at spy  Date: circa 1555  1. intention, object  2. space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought  3. extent of treatment, activity, or influence  4. range of operation: as  a. the range of a logical operator ; a string in predicate calculus that is governed by a quantifier  b. a grammatical constituent that determines the interpretation of a predicate or quantifier  Synonyms: see range  II. noun  Etymology: -~  Date: 1872  1. any of various instruments for viewing: as  a. micro~  b. tele~  c. a tele~ mounted on a firearm for use as a sight  2. horo~  III. transitive verb  (~d; scoping)  Etymology: perhaps from 2~  Date: 1974 to look at especially for the purpose of evaluation — often used with out ~d her out from across the room — Tim Allis SCOPE  noun combining form  Etymology: New Latin -scopium, from Greek -skopion; akin to Greek skeptesthai means (as an instrument) for viewing or observing endoscope spectroscope ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If there is scope for a particular kind of behaviour or activity, people have the opportunity to behave in this way or do that activity. He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative... Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products. N-UNCOUNT: oft N for n, N to-inf 2. The scope of an activity, topic, or piece of work is the whole area which it deals with or includes. Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation’s scope of activity. N-SING: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the range of things that a subject, activity, book etc deals with  (a repertoire of extraordinary scope | beyond/within the scope of)  (The politics of the country is really beyond the scope of a tourist book like this. | widen/broaden the scope of (=include more things))  (an attempt to broaden the scope of the inquiry) 2 the opportunity to do or develop something + for  (Is there much scope for initiative in this job?) ~2 v scope sb/sth out phr v AmE informal to look at something or someone to see what they are like  (Let's scope out that new club tonight.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Systematic Controls Oversight And Policy Evaluation ocean sc. abbr. San Clemente Ocean Probing Experiment ocean sc. abbr. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment univ. abbr. Satterthwaite College Of Personal Excellence univ. abbr. Student Committee On Popular Entertainment non-prof. org. abbr. Simulations Of Coastal Ocean Physics And Ecosystems educ. abbr. Special Children's Organization For Parents And Educators educ. abbr. Students Choices And Opportunities For Positive Education educ. abbr. Support Children's Opportunity For Parochial Education educ. abbr. Scholarship Communications Outreach Performance And Environment educ. abbr. Stamford Central Organization Of Parents And Educators religion abbr. South Coast Outlook And Participation Experience law abbr. Sarasota County Openly Plans For Excellence law abbr. Seek Counsel Of Professional Experience law abbr. Sheriff's Community Oriented Policing Effort gen. bus. abbr. Supply Chain Optimization Planning And Execution ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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